Reading Skill

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Reading Skill

Reading is one of the crucial input ways in terms of language acquisition. That's why, reading-related activities should be informative and useful not only regarding the language structure and vocabulary but also regarding the content. Considering this, are you ready to learn the English language through reading, storytelling, games, and much more?

Emojis Activity

In this activity, learners are supposed to predict the answers to blanks in the reading passage by given flashcards while reading. Then, they need to fill in the blanks by watching the video regarding the history of emojis. After that, learners need to finish froggy jump activity for comprehensive reading. Therefore, learners are going to learn the vocabulary in the flashcards as well as improving critical thinking, reading, and listening skill.

Froggy Jumps Activity

Learners skim the Photosynthesis related reading passage. Then, they complete the passage based on their predictions. Followingly, they listen and watch a video about Photosynthesis for bottom-up listening to fill in the blanks. After that, they are instructed to read the passage out again. In the meanwhile, The Optimistic Teacher takes notes of pronunciation mistakes to teach them later on. When reading is completed, they are given a froggy jump game to answer text-related questions for comprehensive reading skills. By doing so, students improve their listening, speaking, and reading skills in addition to vocabulary and pronunciation.

Unscramble Activity

In this activity, learners are supposed to reorder the sentences to make a paragraph. The learner reads it out and orders them to create a coherent paragraph. In the meanwhile, the teacher takes notes of his pronunciation mistakes so that he can give feedback later on. Therefore, student improves their reading skills. An example reading passage is here. Also, this type of questions are used in IELTS, TOEFL, YDS, YKS exams, so it is a great activity to prepare for the exams, too.

Student Feedbacks

Benificial to enlarge stock of vocabulary and enhance comprehension.

Reading skill requires a lot of effort and this teacher has a perfect blend of intonations and where to put stresses while reading.

He can make you read and feel the passage at the same time.

He teaches reading in a funny way by choosing interesting topics. Then to learn new vocabulary of the text, he displays them in some enjoyable games.