Speaking Skill

Interact with everyone in English, even with aliens 👽🤯

Speaking Skill

Speaking is what we seek to interact with others, so it is undeniably crucial. Learners are afraid of making mistakes because of old-fashioned teachers and classes, but now, The Optimistic Teacher encourages learners to speak even if they make mistakes. As a result, they can contact anyone without fear. Speaking is enjoyable, especially with an energetic, optimistic, supportive teacher who is the Optimistic Teacher. He boosts your speaking skill through debates, speeches, stories, collaboration, etc.

Role Play Activity

Learners imagine that they are working in a bookstore, and their partner is coming to buy a book about the Emojis. They are supposed to ask and answer each other's questions for 3 minutes. It should be a natural conversation.

Taboo Activity

The instructor divides the class into two groups. In this activity, the first word is the secret word. The aim of the game is to get another player to say this word. The student with the card will need to describe this word until another student figures out what the secret word is. The other three words are the most obvious words that you might use to explain the secret word. They are all “taboo” and cannot be used in the student’s description of the secret word. By doing so, learners improve their speaking skills.

Questions and Answers Activity

In this activity, learners ask each other questions about Emojis as a continuation of the History of Emojis reading passage. Each learner needs to answer all the questions to practice speaking. Therefore, they improve their speaking skills in addition to their listening skills, social skills, and critical thinking.

  1. Which emoji is your favorite emoji? Why?

  2. Are there any Emojis that you dislike? Why?

  3. Do you use Emojis? Why/ Why not?

  4. How did people interact in the past before the emojis?

  5. Do you think that Emojis bring about misinterpretation or misunderstanding?

Survey and Interview Activity

The instructor provides students with surveys that each has different questions and tells the students to ask the survey questions to other learners or their teacher to complete the survey. While filling the survey out, they are writing the answers, so learners improve not only their speaking skills but also their writing skills while socializing with other learners. For example, students make a survey about sleeping, and worksheets are given.

Debate Activity

The instructor provides students with a topic, divides them into groups, and asks them to discuss it while he is a supervisor in the activity. For example, the topic is "Discuss whether computers are useful or harmful for 5 minutes." Therefore, students state their opinion and improve their critical thinking as well as their speaking skills.

Speaking is an essential skill to interact with foreigners and everyone in the world because it is the Lingua Franca, so you can find extra free activities below to boost your speaking skill.

Student Feedbacks

Acutely when somebody speak u can guess where this person are from but I don't know because his English is excellent sometimes I ask him to explain what I need to the group because all people can understand him.

He adds slows and ups language tone so that’s most amazing and I really create curiosity while learning in his class.

His speaking skills are amazing. His Turkish accent makes it more soothing for a learner to learn in an amiable way.